i cant wait for breaking dawn.
christine to self: get a life ._.
what we could have been, 9:41 PM.
so i'm down with a cold,
i'm damn sleepy and stuff,
and i have to do a freaking miao xie wen.
shall crap my way through stuff again...
what we could have been, 8:54 PM.
new moon is digging up the old wounds,
and i'm facing them like artifacts from long ago;
were the mistakes always so stupid?
i'm wondering why i cried,
all those years ago.
//my jacob black (
what we could have been, 9:13 PM.
reading new moon again.
now feeling a bit disorientated.
like there was something that was always there,
but just hidden up,
somewhere inside,
and it suddenly appeared.
something that i was trying to hide.
what we could have been, 9:42 PM.
had _____ session today.
felt emo after that.
told cpl glada and staff candice and sgt audrey abt the matter.
feel much better now.
thank you haonan for being a nice guy and helping me buy new moon.
this post is in a neutral tone because i really dont know what i'm feeling now.
i just wish that there was someone to talk to...
i guess the only thing i'm looking forward to is avril's concert with xl O:
7 sept :D
what we could have been, 9:42 PM.
what we could have been, 8:15 PM.
(foreword: only smart people would understand this post.)
i really give up now.'ASJC',what's the point?"i'm in ASJC, and i hate ** and i'm hoping i can quit."you and i both know that that's not going to happen.so just shut up about it.i dno,the way you guys displayed yourselves just made me damn pissed.is this the way,that after 1 1/2 years,what all of you want to do is quit.hasn't 1 1/2 years of being ********** let you guys learn anything,about teamwork, about trust, about loyalty?yea,i know. it's a waste of time.i know it's stupid most of the time.i know pt sucks.i know there are people we just hate in our *****,and i know you all think that you have better things to do than spend your time in **,but really,do you dare to say,that in this 1 1/2 years in **,you've never been happy;that you've never learnt anything from it;that you've never enjoyed yourself;that everything was a waste of time.maybe ASJC is just your way of escaping reality:the fact that you, deep down inside, already have a bond with **,that you actually like it.sure,**** is coming,you're afraid of it:afraid of the trainings,afraid that you won't be up to standard,afraid that you wont make it.but hey,who doesnt feel that way?we're all as scared of it as you are.and we're all doing the same trainings.so why not just shut up about this ASJC thing?why not just accept the fact that you like **,that you have benefited from it,that, afterall, it isnt really a waste of time?and that in your hearts,you really want to see POP 2010 happening...// whatever happened to together as one?
what we could have been, 10:32 PM.
my donation card is screwed.
and i shall go to sleep soon /:
what we could have been, 10:51 PM.
just watched the POP vid.
made me emo.
i miss staff eli /:
what we could have been, 9:24 PM.
my gundam seed aint working.
so i'm stuck at home doing nothing.
what we could have been, 9:08 PM.
felt like posting this:
WISHLIST!- Breaking Dawn hardcover
- New Moon
- new phone line that gives me more free smses x:
- RED psp (slim) /nintendo ds
- more clothes :DD
- alot alot of books which titles i cannot rmb xD
- adobe CS3
- black headphones (forgot which brand)
- ****, FOB, live in pheonix
- more colourful pens xx:
alot others, but gtg
update later :D
what we could have been, 8:23 PM.
i have this very under-appreciated feeling now.
it's like people care so much about how they're feeling,
they forgot about mine.
can't they see that i'm trying just as hard;
to keep up with my work,
to continue to be able to persue my passions,
to solve my own problems,
to fit in.
but yeah,
all it takes for you to make another stab is
"just shut up, you're wasting my time."
you really don't see it do you?
// i should probably stop being so nice to you...
what we could have been, 10:26 PM.
Gundam Seed is a tear-jerker /:
and it brings back so much memories from pri sch.
2 more months to teachers day.
i miss them already ._.
what we could have been, 9:54 PM.
1. How are you feeling today?
it's my life - bon jovi
// i'm feeling my life.
2. Will you get far in life?
don't matter - akon
// it doesnt matter whether i get far in life?
3. How do your friends see you?
clothes off - gym class heroes
// ohkay. so, my friends see me with my clothes off...
4. Will you get married?
At the beginning
// i will at the beginning, then i wont?
5. Whats your best friend's theme song?
Chasing cars - snow patrol
6. What is the story of your life?
Sleep - MCR
// i wish.
7. What is your high school like?
My Happy ending - Avril Lavigne
// i'll find my happy ending there?
8. How can you get ahead in life?
All these things i hate - Bullet for my Valentine
// so the things i hate will get me far in life. wow. i should start thanking a****
9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Wake me up when september ends - greenday
// so i sleep, and they wake me up, and then i sleep again. (see #6)
10. What is in store this weekend?
Crawling - Linkin Park
// this weekend, i'm going to CRAWL. how nostalgic.
11. How to describe your grandparents?
Fall to pieces - Avril Lavigne
// how true: i love them, but i hate talking to them. (not like i would understand anyway)
12. How is your life going?
Hot - Avril Lavigne
// more or less.
13. What song will they play at your funeral?
Lifestyle of the rich and the famous - good charlotte
// and now i know i'll be rich and famous before i die :D
14. How does the world see you?
Where is the love? - BEP
// uganda poem(:
15. Will you have a happy life?
When you're gone - Avril Lavigne
// only when i'm gone (dead). thanks alot.
16.What do your friends really think of you?
Breakin free - HSM
// i'm breakin free~ how nice of them.
17. Do people secretly lust after you?
The reason - Hoobastank
// the reason they lust after me?
18.How can you make yourself happy?
Damaged - Danity Kane
// by making myself damaged and asking whether anyone has a first aid kit handy. wow, now i know what to do when i'm emo: slit wrist and call the ambulance.
19. What should you do with your life?
Numb - Linkin Park
// be more like me and be less like you.
20. Will you ever have children?
I've got all these ringing in my ears and none on my fingers - FOB
// people asking me to have children but i dont want to?
21. If a man in a van offered you candy, what would you do?
I'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off (me+you) - FOB
// we'll go on a honeymoon to uganda and he'll get killed in the war. (refers to the vid)
22. What does your mum think of you?
Homesick at Spacecamp - FOB
// i'm using my headphones too much and thus she has to use that to communicate with me.
23. What is your deep dark secret?
A little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me - FOB
// my secret is that i'm a vampire :D
24. What is your mortal enemy's theme song?
By myself - Linkin Park
// you'll be alone forever :D
25. What is your personality like?
Outta my head - Ashlee Simpson
// whatever comes in will go out (of my head)
26. What song will they play at your wedding?
True - Ryan Cabrera
// "I've waited all my life to cross this line
to the only thing thats true
so I will not hidei'ts time to try anything to be with you
all my life I've waited
this is true" <3
lol. at least the results make
some sense this time.
and 'true' is like on my playlist everyday now x:
what we could have been, 10:52 AM.
i have to stop procrastinating x:
what we could have been, 10:47 PM.
blogged yesterday using phone,
thus the messiness,
but oh well.
nat comp was pretty fun,
and it made me realise how much i love my sqd,
and how much we love each other.
and yes,
i know i'm a
blog next time.
chionging hw.
what we could have been, 9:34 PM.
guides campfire was damn meaningful. std 2's 08, i will never forget the memories you've carved in my heart. like the lunar rainbow, like the clouds in the sky, like the stars in the sky. i love each and everyone of you guys, you're the sunshine in my life, the stars when i'm feeling low, my closest friends forever. let's go through jnco together as one!
what we could have been, 10:43 PM.
which means no more late night sleeping!
except tmr got service learning.
AND guides campfire /:
oh man.
no more byebye to dark eye rings.
and kellie and pearl and huijun and jiamin and whoever's getting me that singfest ticket as a birthday ticket,
and xl,
cheer up.
what we could have been, 10:14 PM.
all i feel like doing now is to lock myself in my room and never go out again.
// i hate the world outside.
what we could have been, 8:40 PM.
it is 1242am,
and i'm still doing geog.
and damn.
now i'm not sleepy.
and tmr comp train i will DIE of exhaustion.
it is now 1243am,
and i shall go back to doing geog and stop posting.
what we could have been, 12:42 AM.
i wish math didn't exist.
so screw whoever invented math /:
what we could have been, 11:22 PM.
what's the point of hanging on?
// when everything has gone.
what we could have been, 5:26 PM.
somebody invent a time machine
or a
time stopping machine.
cos seriously,
i need more time.
ps. the time turner thing in harry potter is a great idea.
just make it into sth solid. (ie. not an idea)
what we could have been, 3:20 PM.
you have no idea how much i hate you.
so just get the hell out of my life,
and disappear from sight.
and damn.
i hate holiday hw.
(which goes to say i haven't done them yet)/:
what we could have been, 12:17 PM.
You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut

You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.
You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...
Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.
To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.
what we could have been, 10:54 AM.
i am feeling nostalgic.
don't ask me why.
what we could have been, 10:52 PM.
lose, lost, losses.
that's just what happens anyway, ain't it?
people gain,
lose more than they gained at the same time;
then they look back,
and suddenly want the thing that they
whatever they gained suddenly insignificant.
but after a long time,
the feeling just sorta fades away,
and maybe one day they'll look back,
and emo over their
and the cycle goes on and on,
until one day,
you realise you've lost too much,
and decide that you've got to do better:
to gain, but not lose.
but it's too late,
you look around you,
and see that everyone's gone:
amidst all the gains,
you've lost all your friends,
you've lost faith,
you've lose hope,
and you lost yourself.
lose, lost, losses:
are you going to change before it's too late?
what we could have been, 2:19 PM.
i think i ain't the only one grieving for cheddar.
shredder's been secluding himself and hardly even runs on the wheel now.
(sth he loved)
not even eating cheese /:
i better bring him to the vet.
what we could have been, 6:40 PM.